If you want to display the layout on screen, then you should create the associated LibreOffice Basic procedures so that they can be called up by the event handlers. The removeByIndex method deletes the sixth column (index 5). If not, it creates the database connection required using the GetConnection call. In this example, the return value of the function is 123. placeholders in both VBA and LibreOffice Basic. This represents the content of a complete database table or query. In place of the $ placeholder, the Format function displays the relevant currency symbol defined by the system (this example assumes a European locale has been defined): The format instructions used in VBA for formatting date and time details can also be used: LibreOffice Basic provides the Date data type, which saves the date and time details in binary format. Here is an list of the most important properties of the table object: A table consists of a list containing rows. The declaration is made using the Dim instruction (see #The Language of LibreOffice Basic). No distinction is made between uppercase and lowercase characters. This example removes the B2:C3 cell range from the sheet and then shifts the underlying cells up by two rows. When using the ResultSet's UPDATEABLE and SCROLL_SENSITIVE properties, the scope of function of a ResultSet is comparable with a Dynaset type Recordset from ADO and DAO. Example declarations for single variables: Double variables can store any positive or negative floating point numbers between 1.79769313486232 x 10308 and 4.94065645841247 x 10-324. To create a hatch fill, the FillStyle property must be set to HATCH. However there is one major difference: whereas the command format expects English abbreviations and decimal points or characters as thousands separators, the country-specified abbreviations must be used for the structure of a command format for the NumberFormats object. You should also note the difference between text and numbers when you use formulas: Although cell A1 contains the value 100 and cell A2 contains the value 1000, the A1+A2 formula returns the value 100. The entire LibreOffice API is based on these interfaces, which are described in more detail in the following chapters of this document. The simplest way to change the transparency of a drawing element is to use the FillTransparence property. This example deactivates the cmdNext button in the Dlg dialog with the aid of the model object from cmdNext. The properties of the text frame objects are set to the starting values required. The interface com.sun.star.sheet.Spreadsheets provides a better method to create a new sheet: insertNewByName. Upon closer inspection, the following code sequence. A database is incorporated into LibreOffice by creating what is commonly referred to as a data source. When working with spreadsheets, an intermediate stage is needed for the Sheets list because the drawing levels are not located directly in the document but in the individual sheets: As is already suggested by the GetByIndex method name, a document may contain several forms. A control element of a form has three aspects: The models of the control elements of a form are available through the GetByName method of the Object form: The example determines the model of the MyListBox control element, which is located in the first form of the text document currently open. It permits high level access to databases, regardless of the underlying database backends. The handle is then used as a parameter for the Open instruction, which opens the file. It is important to check the error number so that unanticipated errors can be detected. This includes the way in which file names are structured for LibreOffice documents, as well as the format in which files are saved. The API does not provide a method to change the position of a page inside a drawing document. libreoffice basic programming guide pdf By July 27, 2021 OpenOffice Basic . A function, just like a procedure, combines a block of programs to be executed into one logical unit. This is not, for example, possible with complex SQL commands with linked columns or accumulated values. Instead, you execute an LibreOffice Basic program inside LibreOffice. To get the most out of this book, you should be familiar with other programming languages. Since other pages of the Developer's Guide . To retrieve the next entry, the Dir function should be requested without parameters. The LibreOffice API provides you with a whole range of objects with which you can create, open and modify Office documents. And a title for the X-axis was added. If there is no highlighted area, the text is inserted at the present TextCursor position. English documentation | LibreOffice Documentation - LibreOffice User Guides en / English documentation English documentation Getting Started Books Buy a printed copy Download PDF Guide Source Files Website Buy a printed copy Download PDF Download Source Files Read in your browser Buy a printed copy Download PDF Download Source Files The complete name in the named example would be: In addition to the module and service terms, UNO introduces the term 'interface'. chapter #Programming Dialogs and Dialog Controls shows more examples in Basic. The basic functionality for the individual document objects is provided by the com.sun.star.document.OfficeDocument service. It focuses on paragraphs, paragraph portions and their formatting. If a ResultSet is a SCROLL_INSENSITIVE or SCROLL_SENSITIVE type, it supports a whole range of methods for navigation in the stock of data. For example, LibreOffice Basic only allows special characters in markers when using Option Compatible, since they can cause problems in international projects. Note: These may be outside the flow of text and can be positioned anywhere on the page. The following list describes the most important properties: Formatting information that does not refer to individual characters, but to the entire paragraph is considered to be a paragraph property. VBA: Compatibility between LibreOffice Basic and VBA relates to the LibreOffice Basic language as well as the runtime library. If you close a dialog by clicking the OK button, the Execute method returns a return value of 1, otherwise a value of 0 is returned. If this is true, the function ends the search. This example shows how you may define and use a struct, and how to reference the items within it, both with and without With. The com.sun.star.container.XNameContainer interface provides a method to remove a sheet of a given name: Each sheet contains a list of its rows and columns. The cell type is not determined by the content that is saved in the cell, but rather the object property which was used for its entry. VBA: Different terminology for spreadsheets and their content is used in VBA and LibreOffice Basic. Information about a pressed key is provided by the event object that LibreOffice Basic supplies to the procedure for event handling. If a document has one page and this is called Slide 1, then the following examples are identical. A recursive procedure or function is one that has the ability to call itself until it detects that some base condition has been satisfied. The maximum length of a marker is 255 characters. The global name ThisComponent generally returns the same object as StarDesktop.CurrentComponent, with one significant advantage. (In English, at least, they must be followed by a space, tab, or return for this to work.). Before a text file is accessed, it must first be opened. These are defined in the com.sun.star.text.TextTable service. The type declaration symbol for a currency variable is @. LibreOffice presentations are based on drawing documents. The Format Cells dialog in LibreOffice Calc provides an overview of the different formatting options for cells. These services are appropriate for applications in which the content of a text is to be edited in one pass through a loop. The following call deletes the Filename file. The ISO standard introduces new character sets (code pages) so that more languages can be correctly displayed. The data sources from LibreOffice are not 1:1 comparable with the data sources in ODBC. Strings, together with numbers, form the most important basic types of LibreOffice Basic. The following example uses the String property to display the first words of a sentence in a message box: The first word of each sentence can be modified in the same way using the String property: If the TextCursor contains a highlighted area, an assignment to the String property replaces this with the new text. The third section moves beyond work with texts. The As keyword syntax, and the fact that a comma is not used, goes back to the roots of the Basic language. In LibreOffice Basic, this is accomplished with the On Error or Resume commands. StarOffice 5: The database is actually accessed in LibreOffice through a ResultSet object. The origin of the objects is explained at a later point in this guide. While the declaration MyInteger(3) creates three integer values in VBA with the indexes 1 to 3, the same declaration in LibreOffice Basic creates four integer values with the indexes 1 to 4. VBA: Terminology differs from that used in VBA: In terms of scope of function, the Range object from VBA can be compared with the TextCursor object in LibreOffice and not as the name possibly suggests with the Range object in LibreOffice. The syntax for label names is the same as for variable names. If you want to keep the original values, use the Preserve command: When you use Preserve, ensure that the number of dimensions and the type of variables remain the same. The preceding call returns a page object that supports the com.sun.star.drawing.DrawPage service. If this is the case, the Control.Name property then checks whether the name of the control element is MyListBox. The database interface from LibreOffice is available in the LibreOffice Writer and LibreOffice Calc applications, as well as in the database forms. The code used in the example then creates a list containing all charts of the first spreadsheet (Charts line = Doc.Sheets(0).Charts). Since the points of a polygon are defined as absolute values, you do not need to specify the size or the start position of a polygon. The Model property provides program-controlled access to the model of dialog and control element objects. Both the definition command, On Error, and the return command, Resume, are variants of the Goto construct. RectangleShape.CharFontName = "Arial". One can be found in the createUnoService function mentioned at the start of this chapter. The more functions a ResultSet provides, the more complex its implementation usually is and therefore the slower the functions are. An integer variable can take up to two bytes of memory. The insertByName line inserts the NewStyle style under the name of the same name in the ParagraphStyles object. This includes the distance of the paragraph from the edge of the page as well as line spacing. The loadComponentFromURL function introduced in the previous section returns a document object. The following values are available: The following example computes the average value of the A1:C3 range and prints the result in a message box: The clearContents method simplifies the process of deleting cell contents and cell ranges in that it deletes one specific type of content from a cell range. The type declaration symbol is #. Functions and procedures can only be called up if all the necessary parameters are passed during the call. The following example creates a table with the help of the createInstance method described previously. A data field contains several variables, which are addressed through an index. More extensive navigation options, such as the possibility of modifying values, are therefore not included. If a cell contains a numerical value, then the example changes the formatting correspondingly. To use a Universal Network Object in LibreOffice Basic, you will need a variable declaration for the associated object. In general, and for styles in particular, you can access information within a template in the same way you would access the same information in the associated document type. VBA: Through their ValueItemList property, list box forms provide a counterpart to the VBA property, ItemData, through which you can administer additional information for individual list entries. The forms created in this way provide all the functions of a full database front end without requiring independent programming work. XIndexAccess provides the getByIndex and getCount methods for calling the subordinate objects. LibreOffice positions the control elements of a form at drawing object level. If you want to use an external bitmap file, you can specify its URL in the FillBitmapURL property. Finally, when calling up a text file, the eof instruction is used to check whether the end of the file has been reached: The following example shows how a text file can be read: The individual lines are retrieved in a Do While loop, saved in the Msg variable, and displayed at the end in a message box. creates 4 integer variables which can be described with the expressions MyInteger(1), MyInteger(2), MyInteger(3), and MyInteger(4). If you understand the last example, then you also know why this example does not do what it appears. All drawing objects that can have a border line support the com.sun.star.drawing.LineStyle service. A LibreOffice Basic object can, however, support several services. The bookmarks can either be accessed by their number or their name. Note: To access the view of a control element form, you need the associated model. The LibreOffice API has been structured so that as many of its parts as possible can be used universally for different tasks. All occurrences of the name, The character $ marks a paragraph end. The color gradient is depicted using a hundred graduated individual colors (StepCount). The lines are dark gray (Color) and are spaced is 0.2 millimeters (Distance) apart. It could be for example, A247. If a number is not provided, 0 is displayed in its place. This is useful, for example, if the contents of different databases are displayed within one document, or if a 1:n database relationship is displayed within a form. The com.sun.star.style.CharacterProperties and com.sun.star.style.ParagraphProperties services can format text in drawing objects. Note: The third section deals with presentations. The areas can be stacked (com.sun.star.chart.StackableDiagram). Although this provides considerable flexibility, it is best to restrict a variable to one variable type. The options for defining color gradients and hatches let you create other colors into play. To do this, they are converted into their hexadecimal value in the UTF-8 set of characters and are preceded by a percent sign. The structure for hatches has the following properties: The following example demonstrates the use of a hatch structure: This code creates a simple hatch structure (HatchStyle = SINGLE) whose lines are rotated 45 degrees (Angle). . To pass parameters as values, use the ByVal keyword. LibreOffice then changes the way in which all text portions which use this template are depicted. The WaitUntil statement provides a greater degree of compatibility with VBA parameter usage. Apache OpenOffice - Official Site - The Free and Open Productivity Suite In LibreOffice Basic, you can use the Exit Sub and Exit Function commands to terminate a procedure or function prematurely, for example, for error handling. Dialogs can, for example, display database information or guide users through a step-by-step process of creating a new document in the form of a Wizard. The Basic interpreter first calculates the result of the addition process and then converts this into a string, which, as its result, produces the string 2. Buy a printed copy. The following example replaces three characters with the string is from the sixth position of the MyString string. Use UBound() to check if the returned array is empty. The Diagram object provides the following properties to access the axes title: and for the secondary axes (available since OpenOffice.org 3.0): The objects for formatting the axes title are based on the com.sun.star.chart.ChartTitle service, which is also used for chart titles. The named _blank value for the Frame parameter ensures that LibreOffice creates a new window for every call from loadComponentFromURL. The following example combines two drawing objects: This code creates a rectangle and a circle and inserts them into a page. The following call returns some properties about a file. The print method expects a PropertyValue data field as a parameter, which reflects the settings of the print dialog of LibreOffice: The following example shows how several pages of a document can be printed out using the Pages option: The com.sun.star.view.XPrintable interface provides the Printer property, which selects the printer. which provides LibreOffice with various options for opening and creating documents. XML-based files can be opened and edited with other programs. Anyone who has already worked with these languages can quickly become accustomed to LibreOffice Basic. This basically covers the loadComponentFromURL method, which is responsible for creating, importing, and opening documents. There is, however, one main difference: a Universal Network Object may support several services at the same time. In Example 1, the page is accessed by its number (counting begins at 0). Java LibreOffice Programming (JLOP) is intended for programmers who want to learn how to use the Java version of the LibreOffice API. LibreOffice Basic allows numbers to be specified in the exponential writing style, for example, you can write 1.5e-10 for the number 1.5 x 10-10 (0.00000000015). The basic object must provide the XEnumerationAccess interface, which contains only a createEnumeration method. The dispose method at the end of the code releases the resources used by the dialog once the program ends. The following call also specifies the True parameter for the document object when requesting the Save method. This section, however, provides little information about the functions specified, but instead concentrates on the programming interface from SDBC, which allows for automated database querying and therefore permits a much greater range of applications to be used. LibreOffice Writer supports the following types of styles: LibreOffice Calc supports the following types of styles: LibreOffice Impress supports the following types of styles: In LibreOffice terminology, the different types of styles are called StyleFamilies in accordance with the com.sun.star.style.StyleFamily service on which they are based. In general, only parts of the interfaces are discussed. Note: A struct is an ordered collection of data fields, that can be manipulated as a single item. LibreOffice Basic provides the following test functions for this purpose: These functions are especially useful when querying user input. Fact that a comma is not, for example, the FillStyle must... Not provided, 0 is displayed in its place them into a page object that LibreOffice a. Up if all the necessary parameters are passed during the call and their formatting be accessed its. Procedure, combines a block of programs to be edited in one pass through ResultSet. 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